Posts Tagged ‘riverboat gambling’

Missouri Looks to Extend Credit Limit On Riverboat Casinos

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

At every gaming facility around the world, there are credit limits. Gamblers are only allowed to gain so much credit during a visit to a casino. In the state of Missouri, a bill has reached the governor’s desk that would allow players to receive more credit for game play. The riverboat casinos would be able to extend larger amounts of cash to interested parties.

The riverboat gambling industry in the state needs a boost and this could be just the thing to get players going. During the first of April, the Senate of the state approved the increase via proposal and the vote was 24-9 in approval. The House also signed off on the proposal this week with a vote of 125-21.

The state currently has 12 riverboat gambling facilities and since the option was created in the early 90s, players have been shorted on the amount of credit they are given. The gambling industry has grown into a billion dollar business and the state wants to take advantage. Increasing credit limits is one way to do so.

With the new bill, the state would be able to provide lines of credit at an increased rate to those who are eligible. Players must apply and be approved for at least $10,000 in credit. The credit can only be issued via a credit instrument and the amount is not due until 30 days after the credit is issued. This is an unsecured loan and does not bear interest. An intoxicated person must not be given an extension.

In reality, the new measure would allow high rollers to enjoy time at the riverboat casinos. Currently, the casinos do not have an option for those who might want to wager large amounts of cash but are in need of credit.